Catholic Parish Outreach Food Pantry


2013 Raleigh Blvd.
Raleigh, NC 27604


9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Closed Tuesdays


919-873-0245 (Phone)
919-873-0260 (FAX)

Spectrum News spoke with Catholic Parish Outreach Program Director Kelly Rappl about the rising need of food pantries in the Diocese of Raleigh. Read/Watch their story here

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As an expression of Catholic social teachings through the corporal works of mercy, the purpose of Catholic Parish Outreach Food Pantry is to serve those in need in our community by feeding the hungry and clothing the naked.  We do this while treating all clients with the dignity and respect that each person deserves.

Providing Help

CPO provides emergency supplemental food for clients who experience more “month than money”. Individuals are able to access about a week of groceries once every 30 days.  We also provide maternity as well as birth through pre-school children’s clothing, diapers, formula, and baby food to provide a strong start for young children.

Creating Hope

CPO provides tools and education to clients to help them make healthier choices for their themselves and their families.  CPO is part of the Food Bank Central and Eastern NC “Healthy Pantries” initiative that provides materials to clients about nutrition, food safety and health.  We also participate in the United Way’s “Sustaining the Family Table” which helps clients find employment/better employment while providing wrap around services so that clients can better their living circumstances.

Serving All

CPO serves all in need in the Raleigh Deanery (Wake, Johnston, and Franklin Counties) regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc.  Our Catholic faith teaches that all persons have value and were made in the image of God and we therefore welcome everyone to access our services.


Jenny reluctantly visited CPO for the first time. She injured her knee and would not be able to work for a few months. She needed a steroid shot that cost her a $67 co-pay, then, medication that cost her another co-pay of $35. She cut the medication in half to make it last longer, but that $102 was her food budget for the month.


Pedro is originally from Uruguay. He lived in New Jersey with his wife and 5 children for several years, until his wife died and he became a single dad (his youngest was only 3 years old). Pedro moved to North Carolina to live close to family and was looking for work, but in the meantime he became connected to a community of agencies including CPO who could help him.

Susan and Dan

Susan and her husband Dan had a 7-month-old baby boy. Both were working, paying bills and living the American dream, until Dan was injured at work. Worker’s compensation insurance help was taking quite some time, and Dan was unable to work due to his injury. Susan went to Wake Co. Human Services to sign up for WIC (federal Women, Infants, & Children program), and the doctor referred her to CPO for groceries, diapers, formula, and children’s clothing. This was their first visit to a food pantry, and Susan cried with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and relief.


Michael’s only transportation was his bicycle, so he rode it everywhere, including to CPO. He desperately needed groceries, but he knew it would be a challenge to get them home. Our volunteers worked with Michael making sure the food was packed and securely strapped to the bike for a safe trip home. He really wanted to include the watermelon; they even found a way to add it to his groceries.


Helen’s husband died suddenly of an aneurysm, leaving her a single mom with 2 small children and a mortgage she could not afford. Soon after his passing, she developed health problems and became physically unable to work. The family lost their home and moved in with Helen’s parents. Helen visited CPO and she shared that our contributions of food, clothing, love, and kindness made a big difference in their lives.


Verlanda was a single grandparent who had recently gained custody of her 16-year-old grandson. Shortly thereafter, she lost her job and needed help with groceries. While at our food pantry, Verlanda connected with our United Way Collaborative Sustaining the Family Table Coordinator. Through the program she was referred to Step Up Ministry and Dress for Success; two agencies who help with finding employment and professional clothing.

Within a few weeks, Verlanda found a job as a case manager in a non-profit organization. She was also connected to healthcare at Alliance Medical Ministry, and to the Boys & Girls Clubs for her grandson, so he could attend after-school programs. Through the work of the collaborative a family who came to us for food, left with so much more!

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