April 6, 2024
3:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
(or until the pig runs out!)
2013 Raleigh Blvd.
Raleigh, NC
Co-Hosted By
Knights of Columbus

Come tap your toes to
Bluegrass music by
Shannon Baker & Sometime Soon!

Pre-Purchased tickets picked up day of event!

Online ticketing is now closed. Tickets can still be placed at the Pig Pickin’ for $15 / ticket.
Questions? Please contact Kelly Rappl, CPO Program Director, at Kelly.Rappl@ccharitiesdor.org.
Crown Roast – $2,500+
Your name and company logo will have placement in our promotions
20 Pig Pickin tickets
Medallion of Loin – $1,000
Your name and company logo will have placement in our promotions
10 Pig Pickin tickets
Center Cut Chop – $500
Your name will be included in our promotional materials
5 Pig Pickin tickets
Baby Back Ribs – $250
2 Pig Pickin tickets
Individual Tickets
$12 / Plate (Pre-Order) or $15 / Plate (On Site)

Bake Sale
Finish off your delicious Pig Pickin’ meal with a donated baked good item. Dessert items available for purchase will be posted on Friday, April 5th.

Calling all Bakers – If you are a baker, have a favorite recipe, and are interested in contributing to our bake sale, please contact Darcy Hull at cpovol.coordinator@ccharitiesdor.org! We would love to have your contribution.
We ask that items be boxed and delivered to CPO no later than Friday, April 5th, before 9:00 a.m.
More than 300 people gathered at Catholic Parish Outreach (CPO) Food Pantry in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Saturday, April 22, 2023, for the 11th Annual Pig Pickin’ and Open House! The fundraiser was a resounding success, with attendees enjoying delicious food, lively entertainment, and the opportunity to support a worthy cause.
The annual celebratory event helps raise funds to support CPO’s work to distribute nutritious groceries to the community. The event featured a pop-up bake sale, which was a hit with attendees. Local volunteer bakers and supporters donated dozens of delicious cakes, pies, and cookies which were all sold for a good cause.
The centerpiece of the event, of course, was the slow-roasted pig, which was cooked onsite by the Cathedral Knights of Columbus. The Knights, who are known for their culinary skills and commitment to community service, worked tirelessly throughout the day to ensure that the pork was cooked and served to perfection. Attendees eagerly lined up to get a taste of the succulent pork, which was plated with a variety of sides such as coleslaw, baked beans, and hushpuppies. As attendees dug into their plates of tasty goodness, they knew that they were not only enjoying a delicious meal but also supporting an important cause.
Adding to the festive atmosphere of the event was live bluegrass music provided by Russell Johnson and Friends. The band’s lively tunes kept attendees tapping their feet and swaying to the rhythm, creating a sense of camaraderie and community that was felt by all in the 16,000 square foot warehouse and office space.
In addition to the food and entertainment, attendees were also invited to take part in an open house and self-guided tour of the Catholic Parish Outreach facility. This provided an opportunity for visitors to learn more about the organization’s mission and programs, as well as to see firsthand the impact that their support was making in the lives of people in need.
Jason, who stopped by to pick up 9 meals to go, said he was excited to tour the facility and looks forward to volunteering in the near future with his family. He was seen leaving, smiling ear to ear, with his meals and a festive sprinkle decorated cake he scooped up from the bake sale for sharing with family and friends.
First time attendee Lindsey, said she didn’t know that places like Catholic Charities existed and she is inspired to get the word out to let others know about the help they can receive at CPO in efforts to improve their lives.
Founded in 1977, Catholic Parish Outreach Food Pantry, a program of Catholic Charities, alleviates the effects of poverty by feeding the hungry and clothing the naked through services which are accessible, educational, and sustainable. CPO welcomes individuals and families of all faiths or no faith tradition from Wake and Johnston counties, with families eligible to receive one week of groceries every thirty days. For more information, please visit CatholicCharitiesRaleigh.org/cpo.