3_23_17_Lenoir_Elementary_Presentation;1Catholic Charities provides workshops and community presentations in collaboration with local parishes and community agencies. Hosting group workshops is an excellent way to help prospective clients learn about the immigration process and understand if they qualify for immigration benefits.

To view all upcoming Catholic Charities events, please visit our events page.


Workshops are typically one day events that guides applicants through the immigration process.

Community Presentation:

Community presentations are effective ways to educate and involve people in discussions about various immigration topics.

Community presentation topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. Citizenship
  2. Know your Rights
  3. Family Preparedness
  4. Power of attorney Clinic for those individuals who have taken the Family Preparedness

Scheduling an Event

To schedule one of these events in your parish or agency please call or email Consuelo Kwee, Consuelo.Kwee@raldioc.org or 919-821-8148.